
Filter to change attribute names.

This filter can either contain the name of a map file or a set of name => value pairs describing the transformation. If configuration references a map file, the file must be located in the attributemap/ directory in the root of SimpleSAMLphp's installation. Attribute map files located in the attributemap/ directory in the root of a module can also be used by specifying the file with the module:file syntax.

It can also create multiple attributes from a single attribute by specifying multiple target attributes as an array.


Attribute maps embedded as parameters:

  'authproc' => array(
      50 => array(
          'class' => 'core:AttributeMap',
          'mail' => 'email',
          'uid' => 'user'
          'cn' => array('name', 'displayName'),

Attribute map in separate file:

  'authproc' => array(
      50 => array(
          'class' => 'core:AttributeMap',

This filter will use the map file from simplesamlphp/attributemap/name2oid.php .

Attribute map in a file contained in a module:

  'authproc' => array(
      50 => array(
          'class' => 'core:AttributeMap',

This filter will use the map file from simplesamlphp/modules/module/attributemap/src2dst.php .

Duplicate attributes based on a map file:

  'authproc' => array(
      50 => array(
          'class' => 'core:AttributeMap',
          'name2urn', 'name2oid',