ADFS Module

Enables AD FS IdP Compatible with VS 2012 Identity and Access

Basic Setup Companion based on SimpleSAMLphp IDP configuration

  1. Enabling the Identity Provider functionality

    In config/config.php, the option will be: 'enable.adfs-idp' => true

  2. Authentication module

    Follow as is.

  3. Configuring the authentication module

    Next thing you need to do is to enable the module: in config.php , search for the module.enable key and set adfs to true:

        'module.enable' => [
             'adfs' => true,
  4. Configuring the IdP

    ADFS IdP is configured by metadata stored in /metadata/adfs-idp-hosted.php and metadata/adfs-sp-remote.php

    If they are not present, copy them from /metadata-templates to the metadata directory.

  5. Using the uri NameFormat on attributes

    WS-FED likes a few parameters to be very specifically named. This is especially true if .net clients will be treating this as a Microsoft ADFS IdP.

    The recommended settings for /metadata/adfs-idp-hosted.php is:

        'authproc' => [
             // Convert LDAP names to WS-Fed Claims.
             100 => ['class' => 'core:AttributeMap', 'name2claim'],
  6. Adding SPs to the IdP

    The minimal configuration for /metadata/adfs-sp-remote.php is:

    $metadata['urn:federation:localhost'] = [
        'prp' => 'https://localhost/adfs/ls/',
  7. Creating a SSL self signed certificate

    Follow as is.

  8. Adding this IdP to other SPs

    Metadata should be available from /module.php/adfs/idp/metadata.php

  9. This module tries its best to emulate a Microsoft ADFS endpoint, and as such, it is simplest to test using a .net client.

    To build the test client, follow the tutorial from Microsoft .

    This will build a .net app that uses a dev machine running STS (their name for an IdP).

    To point to your SimpleSamlPHP ADFS IdP, in VS 2012:

    a. Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and select the Identity and Access option.

    b. In the Identity and Access Window, Select Use a business identity provider.

    c. Under “Enter the path to the STS metadata document” enter the url you have

      from step 8. Something like

    d. Click Ok

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