Installing and configuring the consentAdmin module

The consentAdmin module is an addon to the consent module. This means that you can not use consentAdmin without the consent module. If you have not installed and configured the consent module, please do.

* [How to install and configure the consent module](./consent:consent)

The consentAdmin module only works when the consent module is using a database to store the consents.

Setting up the consentAdmin module

The first thing you need to do is to enable the consentAdmin module: in config.php , search for the module.enable key and set consentAdmin to true:

    'module.enable' => [
         'consentAdmin' => true,

Next you need to copy the module config file to the config directory:

  cp modules/consentAdmin/config-templates/module_consentAdmin.php config/

Then you will need to set up the database. The consentAdmin uses the same table as the consent module, but you still need the set the correct credentials in the config file. Example:

'consentadmin'  => array(
  'dsn'   =>  ';dbname=andreas_consent',
  'username'  =>  'simplesaml', 
  'password'  =>  'sdfsdf',

Notice that credentials usually is the same as for the consent module, but can be different.

Go to the frontpage of your SimpleSAMLphp installation. A link to the consentAdmin module has been added to the frontpage.

Setting optional parameters

In order to make the consentAdmin module work together with the consent module correctly, you need to set the configuration 'attributes.hash' according to the value of 'includeValues' configuration in the consent module. Likewise, if you've used the 'attributes.exclude' configuration option in the consent module, you should also set the 'attributes.exclude' configuration option here to match.

You should also set the 'returnURL' configuration in order to pass on your users when the press the 'Logout' link.

What does consentAdmin do

When logging into the consentAdmin module, you will be presented with a list of all services connected to the IdP together with at checkbox indicating whether the user has given consent to the given service. By clicking the 'Show attributes', you will be presented with a list of attributes that are released to the service, when the user is accessing that service. consentAdmin are running the processing filters that have been defined for each service. ConsentAdmin will not show services that consent has been disabled for in the consent module.

Processing filters

The call to these filters are made with an isPassive request, with means that no filter is allowed to make userinteraction.

It is up to the developers of the filters to respect the isPassive request. The preferred thing to do is to make your setup so that only filters that modify attributes is run. Othervise it is recommended that developers of filters to throw a 'NoPassive' exception, if the filter can not run without userinteraction.