
SimpleSAMLphp has an active and knowledgable open source community that is glad to help you.

Mailing list

The main support venue is our mailing list. Please join the list and ask any question you have about SimpleSAMLphp there. Please do include at least which version of SimpleSAMLphp you are using, what the problem is you are trying to solve, and any relevant configuration.


SimpleSAMLphp offers a Slack workspace where developers and users can chat about any questions, comments, ideas and other SimpleSAMLphp related things they want.

Our workspace can be found at Use this link to join.

Once you have joined the Slack workspace, feel free to ask any SimpleSAMLphp-related questions you might have. Please note that it may sometimes take a bit longer than a few minutes to get a response, also because people might be in different timezones.

Reporting bugs

If you have found an issue with SimpleSAMLphp, you might want to check the issue tracker and see if others had the same problem before. If not, you should probably submit a new issue describing your problem. Please, DO NOT submit issues unless you are sure that there is a problem in the source code. Please use the venues mentioned above to discuss this if you are not sure what you are seeing is an actual bug.

Pull requests (either to fix bugs or to implement new functionalities) are always welcome! Please see our contributing page for more information.

Commercial Support

If you need or want to buy commercial support for SimpleSAMLphp, there are several companies that provide this. Please see the commercial support page for a list.