Using the Twitter authentication source with SimpleSAMLphp
To get an API key and a secret, register the application at:
The callback URI is<baseurlpath>/module.php/authtwitter/linkback
Now you have you configure the authsource in
// Twitter OAuth Authentication API.
// Register your application to get an API key here:
'twitter' => [
'key' => 'key retrieved during registration of your app',
'secret' => 'secret retrieved during registration of your app',
// The oAuth scope to include in the request
'scope' => 'read',
// Forces the user to enter their credentials to ensure the correct
// users account is authorized.
// Details:
'force_login' => false,
Testing authentication
On the SimpleSAMLphp frontpage, go to the Authentication tab, and use the link:
- Test configured authentication sources
Then choose the twitter authentication source.
Expected behaviour would then be that you are sent to twitter, and asked to login. The first time a user uses your application to login, he/she is asked for consent. You will then be authenticated in SimpleSAMLphp and see an attribute set with data delivered by Twitter.