simplesamlphp-module-casserver changelog
- Allow certain authproc filters to be used in configuration
- Support method parameter at login
- Improve handling of invalid xml element names for attributes
- Minimum supported simplesamlphp version bumped to 1.17
- debugMode option to display cas ticket xml
- Allow per service overriding of configuration options for www/login
2018-07-20 Bjorn Rohde Jensen
- Release 6.1.0
- Minimum supported simplesamlphp version bumped to 1.15.
- Fixed some deprecation warnings by using namespaces to refer to the relevant classes.
- Added support for using Redis as a ticket store.
2016-08-01 Bjorn Rohde Jensen
- Release 6.0.0
- Renamed module from sbcasserver to casserver.
- Added composer file to make module installable according to simplesamlphp guidelines.
- Replaced use of deprecated SimpleSAMLphp api's.
- Fixed a bug when comparing service url parameter to ticket service url, which caused service urls with %20 encoded spaces to fail verification.
2014-10-15 Bjørn Rohde Jensen
- Release 5.2.3
- Added a missing linefeed character in the CAS 1.0 ticket validation failure response.
2014-03-17 Bjørn Rohde Jensen
- Release 5.2.2
- Fixed a bug where the sanitized forms of url parameters were used for more than validation.
- Fixed a bug in the sanitizer logic to remove ';jsessionid' from urls.
2014-02-27 Bjørn Rohde Jensen
- Release 5.2.1
- Fixed a bug where attributes containing colons in their names caused serviceValidate to return invalid xml.
2014-02-25 Bjørn Rohde Jensen
- Release 5.2.0
- Removed hardcoded removal of attributes starting with urn:oid.
- Added a logged in landing page in case the client does not provide a service url.
- It is now possible to add an attribute indicating whether the attributes are base64 encoded or not.
2014-02-07 Bjørn Rohde Jensen
- Release 5.1.0
- Fixed a bug where the 'url' parameter was required even when displaying a logged out page.
- Fixed a bug where attribute transfer could not be disabled.
- Added support for specifying which attributes to transfer.
- Added support for specifying a named subset of IdPs allowing clients to restrict the list of IdPs in the wayf step.
2013-11-04 Bjørn Rohde Jensen
- Release 5.0.0
- Removed support for storing tickets in proprietary key-value store AttributeStore.
- Added support for storing tickets in a SQL database.
- Added support for storing tickets in memcached.
- Added support for proxy tickets.
- Added support for renewing login.
- Added an optional logged out landing page with a return url.
- Added support for specifying an idp during login thus skipping the wayf step.
- Added support for specifying a language hint during login.
2013-01-29 Bjørn Rohde Jensen
- Release 4.0.0
- Moved all filters to a dedicated project.
- Moved theme related code into the sbthemes project.
- Added an abstract cas ticket store with concrete subclasses to store tickets locally or in the attribute store.
- Changed cas 2.0 response generation from hand coded to using php dom document.
- Fixed a bug in cas 1.0 response generation, where yes/no was returned in upper case.
2012-10-31 Bjørn Rohde Jensen
- release 3.3.0
- IPRoleMapper can now be configured to add its roles to any given attribute by setting the filter parameter 'targetAttributeName'.
2012-10-24 Bjørn Rohde Jensen
- release 3.2
- Added AttributeCollector auth filter for collecting attributes from the attribute store.
- Added CAS logout
2012-05-22 Per Møldrup-Dalum
- release 3.1
- Corrected a spelling bug
2012-05-08 Per Møldrup-Dalum
- Release 3
- Added the Statsbiblioteket theme from sbdisco
- Added the IP role mapper from sbdisco
2011-10-31 Per Møldrup-Dalum
- Release 2.3
- Added a hack to keep compatibility with the eduPersonNIN attribute.
2011-03-29 Per Møldrup-Dalum
- Release 2.2
- Reintroduced ignore urn:oid attributes.
- Added configurable base 64 encoding of attribute values.
- Removed debug messages.
- Changed the casserver to use the configured auth source.
2011-01-18 Per Møldrup-Dalum
- Changed default from disabled to enabled
2011-01-17 Per Møldrup-Dalum
- Creating release 2.0
All files are rewritten based on work by Dubravko Voncina. See Google
Groups discussion in this thread:
Creating release 2.1
The sbcasserver module now uses its own "namespace" instead of
hi-jacking the casserver "namespace". Therefore the
has been renamed to module_sbcasserver.php - The files in www has all beed changed to use the new "namespace".