RADIUS module

The RADIUS module provides a single authentication module:

Authenticate a user against a RADIUS server.

This authentication module contacts a RADIUS server, and authenticates the user by using username & password authentication.

To use this module, enable the radius module: in config.php , search for the module.enable key and set radius to true:

    'module.enable' => [
         'radius' => true,


Then you need to add a authentication source which uses the radius:Radius module to config/authsources.php :

    'example-radius' => [

         * An array with the radius servers to use, up to 10.
         * The options are:
         *  - hostname: the hostname of the radius server, or its IP address. Required.
         *  - port: the port of the radius server. Optional, defaults to 1812.
         *  - secret: the radius secret to use with this server. Required.
        'servers' => [
                'hostname' => 'radius1.example.org',
                'port' => 1812,
                'secret' => 'topsecret'
                'hostname' => 'radius2.example.org',
                'port' => 1812,
                'secret' => 'topsecret'

         * The timeout for contacting the RADIUS server, in seconds.
         * Optional, defaults to 5 seconds.
        'timeout' => 5,

         * Set debug modus
        'debug' => true,

         * The NAS identifier to use when querying the radius server.
         * Optional, defaults to the current host name.
        'nas_identifier' => 'client.example.org',

         * An optional realm that will be suffixed to the username entered
         * by the user. When set to "example.edu", and the user enters
         * "bob" as their username, the radius server will be queried for
         * the username "bob@example.edu".
         * Optional, defaults to NULL.
        'realm' => 'example.edu',

         * The attribute name we should store the username in. This username
         * will not be saved in any attribute if this is NULL.
         * Optional, defaults to NULL.
        'username_attribute' => 'eduPersonPrincipalName',

User attributes

If the RADIUS server is configured to include attributes for the user in the response, this module may be able to extract them. This requires the attributes to be stored in a vendor-specific attribute in the response from the RADIUS server.

The code expects one vendor-attribute with a specific vendor and a specific vendor attribute type for each user attribute. The vendor-attribute must contain a value of the form <name>=<value> .

The following configuration options are available for user attributes:

         * This is the vendor for the vendor-specific attribute which contains
         * the attributes for this user. This can be NULL if no attributes are
         * included in the response.
         * Optional, defaults to NULL.
        'attribute_vendor' => 23735,

         * The vendor attribute-type of the attribute which contains the
         * attributes for the user.
         * Required if 'vendor' is set.
        'attribute_vendor_type' => 4,